The printables on this site were designed by me, Carla Chadwick, using images from talented artists who gave their permission. I've been a designer for decades and a party giver for just about as long. The results of those two passions are the printables you see on this site.
Feel free to use the information below to get in touch. If you have problems downloading, unzipping or printing any of my files, however, please refer to numbers 2, 3 and 4 in this FAQ before writing to me. You'll probably find a solution to the problem on that page.
Carla Chadwick
PO Box 1133
Monroe, Georgia 30655
United States
Carla [@] B2BContentSolutions.com
You may need a program to unzip some of my files. If you do, you can download 7-Zip for free.
You can also follow me on these social media sites:
You can see a list of all my sites on the Images and Printables page at CarlaChadwick.com.