Scroll down and click the link below to download the free printable love certificate

Just as love is free, so is this printable certificate. I think you'll find that this little coupon could come in handy. Have you ever gotten busy and forgotten an important birthday or anniversary, and then needed a speedy gift? Or have you known someone who's recuperating from an illness who needed your help? Imagine if you were in that position. Someone offering to help is one thing but if you get something in writing it somehow seems easier to take them up on their offer. At least it would be for me. Or have you ever been just plain out of cash but wanted to give something meaningful? I've actually been there, done that, and have used a similar certificate for just that purpose. So I know personally that it makes a great solution.
Download the coupon below:
And of course, it's perfect for Valentine's Day too. You can use the certificate as a unique way of pledging your love that has no calories. This is a true story: I knew a couple once who met on a cruise and hastily married. As a result, they barely knew each other. When Valentine's Day came around, the husband went the standard route and bought her a giant box of chocolates. He had failed to take into account that she was trying to lose a stubborn 25 pounds and was hyper-sensitive about it. Although his gift was given in sincerity, she didn't have a very good reaction because she knew he didn't get that candy is about the last thing in the world she would have wanted. The moral of that story is that when in doubt, give a calorie-free, from-the-heart Valentine's Day gift like this certificate. :-)
Download the coupon below:
Download the Love Coupon
And of course, it's perfect for Valentine's Day too. You can use the certificate as a unique way of pledging your love that has no calories. This is a true story: I knew a couple once who met on a cruise and hastily married. As a result, they barely knew each other. When Valentine's Day came around, the husband went the standard route and bought her a giant box of chocolates. He had failed to take into account that she was trying to lose a stubborn 25 pounds and was hyper-sensitive about it. Although his gift was given in sincerity, she didn't have a very good reaction because she knew he didn't get that candy is about the last thing in the world she would have wanted. The moral of that story is that when in doubt, give a calorie-free, from-the-heart Valentine's Day gift like this certificate. :-)
The template is sized to fit into a #10 envelope, so you can just print it at 100 percent, cut around the outside lines with scissors or a paper cutter, and then handwrite the information. See the image above for some sample ideas. But you can obviously write whatever you want; what you can offer to your friends and family is only limited by your imagination.
If you would prefer to add electronic text, you can place the artwork into a graphics program, such as Photoshop, Photoshop Elements or any other graphics program that uses layers. Here's a list of five free graphics programs if you need one. You can also put the art into an MS Word document in landscape mode and use text boxes. See my chalkboard holiday invitation page for some tips on using text boxes if you're not familiar with them.
I also have two similar templates (click the images below to access the art):
You might also like my Valentine's Day posts.
The following image can be used if you want to link to this page (see terms above) or if you want to pin the page to Pinterest:

Credits: The beautiful watercolor images used in this design came from Their art is fun to use because it's so darn beautiful and their various kits mix and match with each other.
Terms: This template is for personal use only. You're not allowed to post the actual template to your site under any circumstances but you're welcome to use one of the photos below and place it on your site near a link to this page. Please read my short and flexible terms of use if you would like to post a link to my art.
Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Amazon affiliate links are used in this post and in the sidebar, which means I would be paid a commission if anything is purchased through them. This doesn't increase what you pay if you buy anything though.
This free printable Valentine's Day love coupon is copyrighted by Carla Chadwick, and
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